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25 January, 2018

What is Google Chrome OS?

What is Google Chrome OS?

You are on the internet using a web browser.
You know, that thing with the address bar
and back button
and bookmarks...
That thing you are in right now, up there,
That's your web browser.
If you are like me, when you are on your computer
you spend something like, i don't know,
90% of your time on the internet in a browser.
There's emails, chatting, reading news, watching
videos, playing games, buying things,
to name a few...
Which kind of makes the web browser
the most important program on your computer.

And if you think about it, it hasn't always
been this way...
You see, web browsers were first designed
a long time ago, with the old internet in
back when it was slow and mainly just words
with links that just send you to more words
with links,
back before all of these innovations...
So some guys at Google asked,
"what if we redesigned the web browser from
scratch with an eye towards the new web"?
You know, maps, video, and web apps that are
a lot more - dynamic.
And so they created Chrome,
a web browser that is
crazy fast on today's internet.
And its sleek and more secure,
but mostly, it's really fast.
I mean, my biggest question when I boot up
my computer
is "How long till I get on the internet?"
I mean, if there isn't any internet I might
not even use my computer.
Did you know that even the fastest computers
will take, like, 45 seconds to boot up.
45 seconds!
You can make a sandwich in that time.
Here is what's going on
when your computer is booting up.
There's this list of things to do,
stuff I'm sure you don't care about,
but it cranks through them one at a time.

What you probably notice is that your programs
begin loading up slowly
and, if you are like me, as soon as you see
your web browser icon appear
you are double clicking it over and over and
"Lets go buddy! I got some emails to read!"
Well, all this stuff is called your Operating
and over time
your once fresh computer gets slow.
Google was like, "Wait a second, if your operating
system is a hassle,
if all you're using your computer for is to
get on your web browser,
to get online, then maybe we don't need this
What if when you pressed "on", you were on
the internet in seconds?
What if your browser was your operating system?
So check this out. This means you don't have
to deal with managing programs,
or nagging updates, or lost files,
or confusing settings,
or blue screens of doom,
and there's no nagging updates.
just your browser.
Which means you can still listen to music,
watch movies, interact with friends,
create documents, play games, write emails...
You're doing all this stuff that you're already
doing on the internet
but here's the thing,
none of this is stored on your computer.
What? None of it?, you ask
Yeah, none of it.
Really nothing?
Yes, nothing is stored on your computer.
Well then, Where is it?
It's on the internet.
You know, like when you access your emails
from your phone and computer,
the email isn't stored on either device
If everything is stored on the internet,
then your phone, your computer, all those
devices are what people call "stateless."
Which is kind of a big word so just remember

Chrome is a totally rethought web browser.
You can download it right now on your computer.
But Chrome OS is a totally rethought computer,
that lets you stop worrying about your computer,
so you can focus on the internet.
Which is what most of us use our computers
for nowadays,

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