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09 February, 2018

Controlling Computers by Human Brain

In this post I talk about ability of Human Brain that how to it Control Computer or is it possible to control computer through human brain.

Three words: telekinetic, cursor, control. Is your brain ready? It's a fact that our technology comes with the residue of our ancestors, like the computer keyboard resembles a typewriter. Why? I mean why does it look like a mixed up game of Boggle whenever I want to interact with my computer, or  the computer mouse, I'm dragging and dropping icons? That's like poking papers with a stick on a real desk. There is a revolution coming in human-computer interactions and it's all going to amaze you. We don't need the keyboard, we don't need a mouse, all we need to do is enter the digital world directly. The computer mouse can move in only two dimensions and it has just on basic action, the click. Our hands are at least three times better. 

I mean, they're three dimensional, they move in three axes, that's six degrees of freedom, so we just keep track of all six using something like wired up data gloves or 3D stereoscopic cameras, and then you add voice command and you've got a new command pathway. We already have voice recognition software that can understand us about as well as a wire tap operator, so the next step is to add natural language processing, which means that it won't just understand pre programmed keywords, but everyday talk. Alright, gesture and voice control have already reached the level where consumers have access to them, which you probably know if you've played with an Xbox Kinect or ever tried to chat up a lady named Siri. The goal is to remove as many barriers between us and data as possible so that the interaction is natural, but I can think of something that's even faster than voice and gesture. Can you take a guess? I'm talking about the brain. Alright, get this, scientists are making batches of cyber monkeys capable of controlling computers with their brains. There, I said it. Now this isn't just some sort of super villain plan to take over the world, in fact it's nothing like that. It's actually really cool. Not only do we get a real understanding of the cerebral cortex of your average rhesus monkey, we also have learned how to create a translation algorithm so that they could control a cursor on a screen with their minds, and for humans, well we've created neural implants that allow quadriplegics to do things that they haven't been able to do in years. By moving a robotic arm with their mind they can do things like feed themselves so that's pretty awesome. So if we can use our minds to move a cursor or a robotic arm, what happens in the future? Removing those barriers, making it more natural to interact with our technology, making it organic so it's just the same as if you're cleaning a kitchen counter.

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